UNIQUELY and individually Designed

No one way of eating will be right for everybody. As I go on this journey, I am learning more and more that I am unique. I have individual skills, talents, opinions, preferences, needs, and desires. My digestive system doesn’t work like anyone else out there. There could be similarities, but as a whole, no one is identical to me. This is why it is so important to pay attention to yourself. How you feel after you eat something is a very good indication of whether or not that food is going to be good for you to continue eating.

I have read numerous articles on eating eggs. Some will say limit them others say eat as much as you want and yet others will advise to eat one egg yolk but not limit the whites. I, personally, have been eating 2-4 eggs every day for over ten years. My cholesterol has never been over 183. I digest them well, I feel great after I eat them, and I enjoy eating them daily. This is me. Not you, your child, your friend, or family member will be the same as me. Will some be able to eat this many eggs? Yes! But that is for you to determine and each of us individually.

If you have a lot of digestive issues, take note of when you feel good after eating and when you don’t. I am gluten free, probably celiac, but have never been tested. However, a very popular GF ingredient, actually several of them, cause me to feel worse than if I were to eat wheat or most gluten products. Cassava messes me up. Bad! My better half, J, is not gluten free. He does fine with all gluten, but cassava messes him up too. Maybe because we become more and more as one the longer we are married?? It makes it convenient for us because we both can’t eat it.

There is no cookie cutter way of eating. Nor will everyone have the same positive and negative effects of eating certain foods. The key is, know you, pay attention to you, and love you.


My Shift in thinking